I waited with this blog-entry because I thought it might sound artificial or like a thing everybody does these days.
However, my sister and me want to express our compassion with Yuka and Yoshimi.
Yuka, who has been my pen-pal for many years now, lives in Osaka and is safe.
Yoshimi, who my sister and me have made friends with many years ago, is fortunately abroad at the moment and not in Chiba. Both have not been affected directly by the tsunami, however we all feel very worried about the situation in Japan and would like to express our thoughts. some of Yuka's lovely presents from Japan
(I added the Anti-Atomkraft sticker)
When Yuka visited me in 2007, she brought with her this book which includes beautiful photographies of Japan.
Among it is a photo showing the beautiful landscape of Matsushima which is now probably destroyed by water masses:
We can only wish Yuka, Yoshimi, their families and friends, and the whole Japanese population the best of luck and health - and that somehow they can return to their "normal" lives.