Mittwoch, 3. März 2010

Björk's Swan-Dress!

Well, many people have been asking me about this.
The Björk-swan dress. 
I made it for my sister for carnival because she looks a bit like Björk herself.
Total strangers come up to her and tell her that she looks like Björk. So I told her I would make her Björk's famous swan-dress for carnival. 
Here it is:

It took about a week to make (machine-sew, glue, hand-sew....).
The swan's beak is glued and the eyes are the same kind of eyes as the little white bunny at the bottom wears in his face. 

For the swan's neck I used white velvet to make it look more furry. 
The base-dress was made without any sample or drawing at all. I simply cut a hole into white fabric and pulled it over my sister's head. Then I stitched needles around her to find the dress's form. 
After that I pulled it off her and machine-sewed along the needles. THAT's really unprofessional but I just didn't want to look through the Burda magazines and then alter a complicated dress. I mean, I only needed a simple base-dress. Thus, I made one. 

Then I took about 9 metres of tulle and cut it into strips (I got this from "How to make Björn's swan dress" tutorials, yes, there really are many of them outside on the internet!!). I gathered it and, this was my sister's idea, sew the gathered stripes directly with the machine. 

The complicated part was following. It seemed to be impossible to machine-sew the gathered tulle stripes onto the base-dress.
Thus, I discovered a funny position in which to hand-sew the stripes onto the base-dress sitting on my sofa. xD Looked funny a bit like the so called "tailor position" (in Germany) and I looked like the brave tailor, haha.

So, here it is again:

Doesn't she look cute and a bit like Björk? :-)

Dienstag, 2. März 2010


When it is cold outside I noticed that when you do knitting you feel a bit warmer. 
When I was on my way from work going by train I wanted to have something to do. Thus I started crocheting these little baby girl shoes.

An old man on the train started joking when he wanted to see what I was knitting: "can I take a look?" he asked,  "I won't try them on I promise!"
Well, I was lucky that he didn't try them on, they would have been too small...

I want to mention that my mum always did the first few rows and that she actually taught me how to crochet these baby-shoes.

In order to make my shoes recognisable as girl shoes I chose a pink ribbon...

...and formed a bow at the front of the shoe.


However, I was told that the baby-shoes were not only too small for the elderly man but also for the baby itself. xD


It snowed a lot in December and so my bunny made friends with him:
He had a cold the following day...

Montag, 1. März 2010

A bunny that has been on a long journey...

No, this has not been made by me. My mum made it for my birthday that I had to spend at uni in Liverpool. Due to the mistake of a Liverpudlian post-officer it was on a long journey, though and I got to see it three months later - back at home. 
This photo taken in the probably only forest on Sylt shows the bunny enjoying the nature, looking for it maybe like wonderland.
Furthermore, my mum always used to sew and knit my sister and me clothes. After she hadn't done needlework for a long time she surprised me with this bunny. So, I thought after some inspirations, I might try this as well.